About peace making and peace keeping
It depends on the period, but Chinese were not always Love & Peace people.
Xian: terracotta warriors.
To say there was no such thing as
a martial spirit (Xiake Jingsheng), or a martial culture (Jianghu Wenhua) is ridiculous.
Warriors are paid money for engaging in military campaigns.
Spiritual warriors can be described as archetypes
on a peaceful journey for self discovery to benefit others.
Thinking about one self is very limited,
and therefore in our relationship there is always contradiction and conflict.
So, if the Taoist can understand him self the whole problem is solved.
We are not who we think we are.

In Taoism the concept of peace means inner peace, inner harmony.
No one can be at peace with all that exists until he is at peace with himself.
No one can be at peace with himself until he is at peace with all that exists.
In Taoism peace means a state of inner harmony with Tao,
the soul of all things.
There will always be a contradiction between man and his soul and
the soul of all things until he is not in harmony.
There will be no peace until our soul is not in harmony
with the soul of all things.
In Taoism peace means the absence of desires:
A state of 'Wuwei-Tzu jan'.
"In nature the most fittest will succeed and prevail" (Charles Darwin)
Darwin did not address human social behaviour in his
'On the Origin of Species'(1859) witch focused
the evolution of plants and animals.

A martial artist is not a universal soldier.
A martial artist is a peace keeper and a peace maker.

Diversity is a hallmark of a healthy ecosystem.
Does that mean we should tolerate every thing.
A tai chi school must be a world full of people standing for different things,
all able to find ways to work together to make all their visions come true.
Does that mean we should tolerate every thing.

Many people create a lot of unnecessary conflicts:
Yin against yang. Heaven against earth.
Young against old; Old against young.
Noise against silence. Hard against soft.
Fast against slow. Body against soul.
Useful against useless. Man against woman.
God against man and man against God.
Man against nature. God against nature.
Full against empty. Young against old. Culture against nature.
North against south. Heart against brains.
Black against white. Blue against red and red against yellow.
Me against you and you against me.
Every body against every body and every body against me.
Many people create a lot of unnecessary conflicts.
They also say that they are 'peaceful'.
They are against the war.
This is the definition of total war.
A martial artist is not a universal soldier.
All things are one.
Many people create a lot of unnecessary conflicts.
Being in a state of conflict and at the same time seeking to remedy
or escape brings about integral thought.
Integral thought is feminine in nature.
Reason is feminine in nature.
Human beings seem to have a tendency to divide or to separate things.
Woman have a more mature 'collosum' that connect
the two halves of the brain.
From a Taoistic point of view
thought and time is the source of conflict and sorrow.
Only when thought naturally, without conflict or struggle comes to an end,
then there is a possibility to find inner peace.
To look without thought is to see the interference of time,
knowledge and conflict.
Integral thought means freedom to see.